Sellers FAQ

What is a Free Sample?

Sellers are allowed to add free samples of the products they want to give as complimentary against purchasing their products. 1. While listing your products in the Sellers App, Sellers can add the free sample products you wish to give to the customers who buy your products2. Sample products help the seller to increase their sale.
3. Momskart does not charge any fee for the sample products.

How orders get delivered?

1.After the seller receives the order, the seller packs the order within the given deadline of 24hrs to 48hrs.2.Requests for the order pickup.3.Momskart logistic partners pick the order from the seller’s address.4.Finally after traveling the order delivered to the customer.

Are there any rewards for the sellers?

Ans: Yes. There are rewards for sellers known as the Momskart Seller reward program. It is a seller loyalty program for sellers on Momskart, where Momskart provides opportunities to registered sellers to receive Rewards by successfully participating in Reward-earning tasks/ contests.

Is the FSSAI license required to sell on Momskart?

Ans: Yes. If you do not have an FSSAI license, no worries we are there for you, just apply. We will help you to get one. 

Does the seller get any protection against fraud?

Ans: Yes. Momskart protects the seller against fraudulent orders placed on your products and payment fraud, No one from Momskart call any seller and asks for the OTP.
 How do we get packing material?Ans: When you join as a seller , you need to purchase the packing material from the seller’s app or in your local markets.
Is current account required for sellers or they can continue with savings account?Ans: Yes sellers can continue, with saving account too.
How much does it cost to make a food license for one year?Ans: Approx INR 500 - INR 1000 based on your state/type of registration

NOTE: For more FAQ questions in local language refer to FAQ Section in the Sellers App of Momskart